09 August, 2011

Additional Bonus Videos

Have you been over to the Provost Pictures YouTube page?  There are all kinds of additional video about The Beast of Bottomless Lake over there.

On the DVD we made a promise to add more bonus video to the YouTube page, and starting today that is coming to fruition.

It's going ot happen gradually, but over the next month or two I will be posting (as they are ready) a number of additional interviews and behind the scenes featurettes.  They will all be things that didn't suit well to going on the DVD for various reasons - too long, too weird, or required too much work to get them up to an appropriate level of production.  None of that need be an issue on YouTube though!

For starters, here is a (long) video of the panel discussion we did at VCon in October of 2010.

More to come!

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