24 January, 2011

A Brief Interlude...

Hey everyone, there is some new "Beast" news coming soon that for the moment I can't say more about.  Tease, tease.

But in the meantime, over the past two weeks I've been working on a short film for a contest.

In short, the idea was to pick a film and make a one minute version of it.  Not a trailer, but a one minute version of the film.  As it turns out that's pretty hard.  To make it more difficult we decided to do something that no other team has (yet) done.  We did it in stop motion with paper figures, kind of similar to south park... kind of.

Oh... and the movie we chose was Reservoir Dogs.

Part of the judging in the contest is based upon the rating that the film gets on the Virgin Radio website.

So, click here and go to the Virgin Radio website register and give our film the top rating you can.  You have to do this SOON.  The voting ends on Tuesday January 25th at 5pm PST.  There has been a wave of cynical and capricious organized negative voting - which has totally upset the balance of the contest.  (IE. Teams are organizing their friends to go and give ratings of zero to other films in serious contention.)  We are emphatically NOT doing that and I want to actively discourage you from doing so. 

Simply vote for our film with the highest rating you genuinely think it deserves.


I'm just going to just cut and paste some info that Scott - one of our team members who incidentally was an Executive Producer of Beast... (and other assorted jobs on the film) - posted on our Facebook fan group (Go join!) the other day.  There is some duplicate information here about voting, but  the last two items are original.

1. Vote for the film. Go to the link below and register. You see our video is Stop Motion Reservoir Dogs. Then give us 5 stars by scrolling over the blank stars just under the video until they turn blue and it hits 5.... thats it. You can leave a comment as well in the dialogue box just below that.


2. Promotion is part of the contest and we are kicking butt in that category so far, this step is as important as voting for our film! If you have a Facebook account, could you log on and go to the link below. You have to like the page which opens all the content, then select the “wall” tab. You will see a whack of entries by Scott John with promo photos for the film. Please “like” these entries and comment on them so the PR Director knows folks saw them.


3. This one is for YOU if you want to win $10,000! Only for local folks who have the evening of the 28th free unfortunately. There is an invite only gala which shows the top ten films and has a $10,000 door prize plus a trip to Hollywood as the prize for the person with the best movie character costume. Its a nice free evening out regardless with some cool films and a live band. Simply go to the link below and copy our film title “Stop Motion Reservoir Dogs in 60 Seconds” into the empty dialogue field.... you could be joining us at the party!


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