04 August, 2006

Audition Excitement

Craig March, the hug-addicted DirectorWhat an exciting week! Two days in Vancouver and two days in Kelowna casting for our soon-to-be-shot movie, The Beast of Bottomless Lake. I laughed my ass off, and for those that know me, that is no easy accomplishment.

I don't think I have had as much fun in my whole career as I am having now.

The actors brought so much creativity and genuine talent to the words Keith, Kennedy and I have written that I truly feel we are blessed to be surrounded by such amazing talent. It also saddens me a little to know that so much incredible talent is under-utilized in the system that is Hollywood North. I wish that these wonderful friends and new friends could be recognized by the industry as I see them, a much deeper pool of talent than what the industry constraints place on them.

Wake up L.A. and L.A. North, see what I see and start taking advantage of the great talent that exists here, eh?
- Craig

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