24 August, 2005

More and more…!!! BRICKWALL!!!

Kennedy Goodkey - Writer DudeWell, we got featured in a front page article in the Vancouver Sun business section on Monday, and our price on the Executive Producer credit went up by 400%. That's the good way of saying it. The other way is to say that it went up by almost $400. But the publicity remains positive and we haven't lost any money, which is even better. Still two days to go.

We got notification that Playback magazine will be featuring us on the 29th. Not soon enough to benefit the auction, but still good press to use.

Big couple of days.

The screenings for ReelFast were yesterday and the day before. I used Monday to do a bunch of networking. That went well.

Last night there wasn't much networking left to do, I'd pretty much worked the room. But it was the screening of my ReelFast directing début — as flawed as it was. The audience gave it a big round of applause when it was done, and reacted positively throughout. The three shots that I expected to get good responses, did, which makes me think I do have a sense of what people like and don't like. And the applause afterwards shows me that our effort was seen — even though the realization fell shy. Lots of good comments afterwards.

Phil Mahoney came to me last night with a CD and DVD demo-reel combo. He asked if we had a composer for The Beast yet — cool acknowledgement. I feel a bit like last night that, despite the short-comings of the my entry, I have been legitimized as a film-maker. It wasn't all last night, but last night was where my peers got to say 'hey, we respect you.'

Yesterday I met with Neil Every during the day. We had a good chat. He's offered to do coverage on The Beast — which is great. It'd be awesome if we could get more from him beyond that, but we'll wait and see. His feed-back yesterday alone was awesome. Raised some big questions for Craig and I to consider.

We also discussed Features First, which we are planning to apply for (despite the fact that it'll change our shooting schedule). He is planning to go for it too. Speaking of Features First, I also ran into Justin McGregor last night who is in the middle of the program right now. He agreed to let me pick his mind for a beer to four.
— Kennedy

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